This little Liberty print pincushion was inspired by a solitary bluebell that I found while I was walking in the woods. The weather is unseasonally hot for the time of year and the dappled shade from the trees was lovely and cooling!
I took the pics with my new camera. My friend Dave is a great amateur photographer and the first person I turn to when I need any sort of technical help with any kind of gadget, so I asked for his advise with the settings on my new camera, naturally he told me to download the manual!
I'm really stubborn or maybe just plain lazy when it comes to things like that, I think I'll be able to pick the thing up and just figure it out and use it straight away. Note to self : It just ain't happening! READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. So I did and now I love my new camera, it may cost less than the macro lens on Dave's fancy Canon but it can still take great pics! ( when you know how to set it ) so this Easter I'm hoping to get some great pics!